• Fax Number


  • Hours

    Monday – Wednesday | 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

    Thursday | 8AM – 12PM

    Friday | 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

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David Eskind, M.D.

Dr. David Eskind is a Nashville native and a third generation physician. After graduating from Montgomery Bell Academy, he attended New York University for college, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He then attended Vanderbilt University Medical School before completing his internship and residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Eskind has spent his entire career in the Nashville area specializing in preventative medicine and focuses on the unique aspects of every patient to achieve ideal health and wellness. He enjoys all forms of live music, spending time outdoors on the lake, and spending time with his growing family.

Click link below to make a clinic appointment: if you need to be seen sooner than the listed available appointments, please call the office at +1 (615) 250-4196 and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Dr. Eskind now offers telemedicine visits for routine follow up, sick, and new patient visits. Call our office at +1 (615) 250-4196 for additional details or join the virtual waiting room below by clicking the link

Enter the campus from WEST END AVE and proceed past the Emergency Room, Admitting and the Heart Institute Parking. Enter the garage on the right, which reads “Parking for Doctor’s Appointments.” This garage is located under the Medical Plaza Building. If you need special help, proceed to the blue level of the garage. Wheelchairs are available. Proceed to plaza elevators, go to the 9th floor and follow signs to Suite 900.  Additional parking is located in the Harding Garage with a cross walk on the 3rd level.